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I stopped squirming now and just licked him, just felt his tightening balls on my lips and tongue. He moved back slightly and pushed down on his erect cock, pushing it against my mouth and face. I licked him, almost eagerly now. His dick felt amazing, so firm yet soft, smooth yet veiny. He moved back some more and I licked around his cock’s head, lapping at his tip.He pressed down on it more and I parted my lips, and wrapped them around his engorged, throbbing head. He tasted incredible and I felt made to suck cock, so thrilled and felt so complete. Again, I loved it! He moved above me, me on my back still and began to move his dick in and out of my mouth. He was fucking my mouth. I couldn’t pretend anymore and held his hips and felt his ass, his hard cock moving in and out of my eager lips. I was so ready to taste his cum, so ready to have him explode in my mouth, to fill me with his seed. I heard him say, “Aw, fuck!” and I gripped his hips and held him, not wanting him to pull away. But a week before the wedding I get a call from Mary. She tells me she has an awesome idea planned for her wedding day. She wants me to meet her in her waiting room before she walks out for some "Fun". Now this isn't a fancy wedding. Mary doesn't have any family and Rick doesn't have much family and doesn't have a lot of money so they get married in a local theater by a priest and mostly it is just friends in the audience. Wedding day comes and right before the Wedding i visit Mary in her dress room. I knock and i hear her voice telling me to come in. I open the door and there are about 8 other dudes in there with her. Some of them i know but i already know what is about to happen. Mary says "Alright, everyone is hear pull out your cocks and in her wedding dress (it wasn't all the fancy) she drops to her knees and we all surround her with our cocks and she start gobbling them up. As soon as most of us get hard which is pretty fast she flips her dress up,bends over a chair and.
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